Voir tous les livres de Alex MARZANO-LESNEVICH

Alex MARZANO-LESNEVICH - Livres et biographie

Alex (Alexandria) Marzano-Lesnevich is a 2014 National Endowment for the Arts Fellow in creative writing, an award given for their work on The Fact of a Body. Other honours in support of this, their first book, include a Rona Jaffe Award, a scholarship to the Bread Loaf Writer's Conference, as well as fellowships to the MacDowell Colony, Millay Colony for the Arts, Blue Mountain Center and Yaddo. Their essays and short fiction have appeared in the New York Times, Oxford American, Salon and the anthology True Crime. They have a JD from Harvard, an MFA from Emerson and a BA from Columbia University. Alex currently lives in Brunswick, Maine, where they are an Associate Professor at Bowdoin College.

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