Voir tous les livres de Sarah Mccoy

Sarah Mccoy - Livres et biographie

SARAH McCOY is the New York TimesUSA Today, and international bestselling author of the novels Whatever Happened To Lori Lovely?Mustique IslandMarilla of Green GablesThe Mapmaker’s Children, The Baker’s Daughter, a 2012 Goodreads Choice Award Best Historical Fiction nominee, the novella “The Branch of Hazel” in Grand Centraland The Time It Snowed in Puerto RicoHer work has been featured in Newsweek, Lit Hub, Write or Die TribeReal Simple, The Millions, Your Health Monthly, Huffington PostRead It ForwardWriter Unboxed, and other publications. She hosted the NPR WSNC Radio monthly program “Bookmarked with Sarah McCoy” and is the founder of The McCoy Grant. Sarah previously taught English writing at Old Dominion University and at the University of Texas at El Paso. She lives with her husband Doc B, dog Gilly, and cat Tutu in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Connect with Sarah on Instagram at @SarahMMcCoy, on her Facebook Fan Page, Goodreads, or via her website, www.sarahmccoy.com. 

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